Example Migration
On storagedev201, run the following:
python3 enstore2cta.py --label VR1871M8 --add > try.log 2>&1
# tail try.log
2023-11-06 12:41:01 INFO : **** Start processing 1 labels ****
2023-11-06 12:41:01 INFO : Finished file migration, bootstrapping tapes copies counts
2023-11-06 12:41:02 INFO : Doing label VR1871M8
2023-11-06 12:41:02 INFO : **** FINISH ****
2023-11-06 12:41:02 INFO : Took 0 seconds
2023-11-06 12:56:24 INFO : VR1871M8 Done, 2338 files
“Took 0 seconds” because python3 does map(lambda x: x.join(), processes)
not the way I expected (fixed later). Took about 15 minutes!!!. Identified several issues - storagdev201 was loaded, DB ifdb07 performing poorly, destination chimera db running on ITB was very slow. Conclusion - we could not draw any performance numbers from this setup. But the script has been proven to work.
Check that the file from that tape can be read by dCache:
[fndcaitb3] (rw-stkendca28a-1@rw-stkendca28a-1Domain) enstore > rh restore 000003042F3D23AF47BFB08A496A256A861C
Fetch request queued.
[fndcaitb3] (rw-stkendca28a-1@rw-stkendca28a-1Domain) enstore > rep ls 000003042F3D23AF47BFB08A496A256A861C
000003042F3D23AF47BFB08A496A256A861C <---S-------L(0)[0]> 0 si={ssa_test.diskSF1T_in_LTO8G1T}
Observed CTA reading volume VR1871
, and after a while:
[fndcaitb3] (rw-stkendca28a-1@rw-stkendca28a-1Domain) enstore > rep ls 000003042F3D23AF47BFB08A496A256A861C
000003042F3D23AF47BFB08A496A256A861C <C-------X--L(0)[0]> 2097152000 si={ssa_test.diskSF1T_in_LTO8G1T}
[fndcaitb3] (rw-stkendca28a-1@rw-stkendca28a-1Domain) enstore > pf 000003042F3D23AF47BFB08A496A256A861C
[fndcaitb3] (rw-stkendca28a-1@rw-stkendca28a-1Domain) enstore >
File was staged and marked cached on pool.
Full migration
Used fdm1903, 8 TB NVME drive. 24 cores.
use pg_basebackup to bring over chimera db from production
created CTA database from schema DDL
used production enstoredb as a source
nohup python enstore2cta_cms.py --all --skip_locations > cms.log 2>&1&
The --skip_locations
was used because I did not have CMS chimera carried over.
# tail cms.log
2023-11-07 23:09:36 INFO : VRA931M8 Done, 3115 files
2023-11-07 23:09:36 INFO : VRA930M8 Done, 3159 files
2023-11-07 23:09:37 INFO : VRA932M8 Done, 3145 files
2023-11-07 23:09:37 INFO : VRA934M8 Done, 3338 files
2023-11-07 23:09:37 INFO : VRA936M8 Done, 3253 files
2023-11-07 23:09:37 INFO : VRA937M8 Done, 3185 files
2023-11-07 23:09:37 INFO : VRA938M8 Done, 3195 files
2023-11-07 23:09:37 INFO : Finished file migration, bootstrapping tapes copies counts
2023-11-07 23:10:44 INFO : **** FINISH ****
2023-11-07 23:10:44 INFO : Took 2210 seconds
On db end:
cta_cms=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('cta_cms'));
16 GB
(1 row)
cta_cms=# select count(*) from archive_file;
(1 row)
nohup python enstore2cta.py --all > public.log 2>&1&
Above command does “everything” including inserting locations to chimera db. Results:
# tail public.log
2023-11-07 21:04:48 INFO : VRA788M8 Done, 14591 files
2023-11-07 21:04:49 INFO : VRA771M8 Done, 20641 files
2023-11-07 21:04:53 INFO : VRA768M8 Done, 24322 files
2023-11-07 21:04:53 INFO : VRA784M8 Done, 21471 files
2023-11-07 21:05:01 INFO : VRA734M8 Done, 44020 files
2023-11-07 21:05:56 INFO : VRA752M8 Done, 68899 files
2023-11-07 21:06:03 INFO : VRA785M8 Done, 66068 files
2023-11-07 21:06:03 INFO : Finished file migration, bootstrapping tapes copies counts
2023-11-07 21:11:14 INFO : **** FINISH ****
2023-11-07 21:11:14 INFO : Took 17813 seconds
On db end:
cta_dev=# select count(*) from archive_file;
(1 row)
cta_dev=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('cta_dev'));
91 GB
(1 row)
Minor limitation
During migration the value of comment in tape.user_comment
is assigned the value "Migrated from Enstore: "+volume.comment
. The width of tape.user_comment
is 1000 characters. Some of the comments on Enstore volumes exceed
1000 - len("Migrated from Enstore: ")
enstoredb=# select count(*), storage_group from volume
where character_length(comment) > 1000-23
group by storage_group order by count(*) desc;
count | storage_group
50 | nova
1 | cms
(2 rows)
This is solved by simply truncating comment string to 1000 before inserting.